Shorelines are the interface where the land meets the water. Shoreline erosion is a natural occurrence but some landward areas need protection for critical areas and infrastructure while other areas just need protection to enhance public access and use. Our services include drone and hydrographic surveys, condition assessments, repair design, wave analysis, runup and overtopping, littoral process, coastal resilience studies, and planning, permitting, and design.


Project Types

GEI understands what can and cannot be done to protect sites and combat shoreline erosion and the complex local, state, and federal permitting associated with building and maintaining these assets. GEI’s approach for a successful outcome is to have our inhouse engineers, scientists, and ecologists work together to address the complex coastal processes.

Seawalls, Bulkheads, and Coastal Revetments

Seawalls protect areas along the coast from storms, tides, and waves encroaching on the built environment. Over time or after major storms, damage occurs to these structures. GEI provides assessment, inspection, and design of repairs and enhancements to existing coastal structures for rising sea levels or design of new seawalls for maintaining and improving protection to critical facilities. Our engineers can evaluate and design to meet exposure conditions, aesthetics, ecological considerations, and budget.

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Breakwaters and Wave attenuation

Engineering solutions for protecting the coastline and waterfront facilities before waves ever reach the shoreline include a variety of wave attenuation and breakwater options. These options include offshore and onshore measures such as floating attenuators, armor stone, wave fences, and dune restoration and beach nourishment. GEI provides condition assessment, repairs, wave analysis, and evaluates the level of protection the structure will provide to the facility or shoreline.

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Living Shorelines

GEI integrates measures that conserve natural resources and increase the ecological value of habitats, as well as the visual quality of environs. Our ecologists and biologists are well versed in the natural approach, or application of living shorelines, to stream banks, lake and pond shores, and coastal areas to restore hydrological and ecological balance to a site. We apply innovative, integrated solutions that are structurally sound, economically feasible, and ecologically sustainable. Learn more.

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Key Services

Inspection and Assessment

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GEI’s team of engineer divers specialize in waterfront structural engineering and design. We provide facility inspection and assessments which include above water and underwater structural inspections, underwater still and video photography, material testing, definition of necessary repairs and estimation of remaining life. Our divers are all certified for FHWA – NHI Underwater Bridge Inspection. Our services include:

  • Emergency Response Assessments.
  • Above and Underwater Assessments of Structural Elements.
  • Engineering Assessment of Facility Life Expectancy.
  • Determination of Fender and Mooring System Adequacy.
  • Determination of Alternatives for Restoration or Improvement.
  • Documentation and Rating of Current Conditions.
  • Providing Program for 5-year Monitoring/Assessment with Recommendations for Maintenance and Repair.
Wave Analysis
Littoral Processes
Runup and Overtopping Analysis
FEMA Classification and Compliance


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