Lower Hudson River Offshore Wind Waterfront Support Facility Environmental Review and Conceptual Design




    Lower Hudson River in New York State

Key Elements

    Conceptual Design of Proposed Dredge Areas
  • In-Water Sediment Sampling and Analysis
  • Permitting for In-Water Activity
  • Environmental Site Reconnaissance
  • Detailed Assessment and Documentation of Site Conditions
  • Remedial Cost Estimating and Project Scheduling which may occur by taking the sites through the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program

GEI provided environmental and waterfront engineering consulting services in support of the proposed development of an offshore wind port support facility along the Hudson River in the Lower Hudson Valley of New York State which is an EPA Superfund site.

GEI conducted upland and in-water environmental review to assess two former industrial sites, whose historic uses included shipyard operations, metal refining, sand and gravel mining, and railyard operations. These sites were targeted for redevelopment into potential support facilities for the construction and/or long-term operation and
maintenance of a proposed offshore wind farm. GEI’s services provided information about whether the current conditions at the sites indicated the presence of contaminated sediments, as well as the potential costs and timeline for the redevelopment of these sites. The upland assessment considered the possibility of taking the site through the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). If the site is successfully taken through the BCP, it has the potential to generate extremely large tax credits and provide liability signoffs which would be very beneficial to the development team.

GEI completed in-water sediment sampling and analysis for proposed dredging at the project site during the initial stage of this project. The in-water sediment sampling and
analysis was completed to inform design and costs for proposed dredging to support future marine and vessel operations at this facility. As part of this task, GEI staff
completed desktop analysis and agency outreach to identify existing information on presence of contamination, conducted in-water sediment coring permitting, in addition to in-water sediment coring field work and lab analysis. GEI used vessel-based vibratory coring equipment to obtain in-water sediment samples at the two subject parcels. The goal of this sediment sampling effort was to conduct an initial investigation of the sites to identify the potential presence and level of contamination of the in-water sediments.

GEI also completed cost estimation and timeline development for upland remediation and for in-water dredging work at the two sites. GEI reviewed conceptual land side
site redevelopment plans and potential in-water construction requirements to support the client’s conceptual site operations and the integration of in-water remedial actions
with proposed in-water construction. GEI utilized this data to develop an initial high-level approximation of best case and worst case estimated costs and timelines for the environmental remediation of each parcel parcel through the use of the NYS BCP and for dredging and off-site disposal of dredge spoils as may be required based on the vessels that are expected to use the facility. This task was completed to inform the design and costs to use this facility for offshore wind construction material fabrication and transfer to marine vessels for installation at final offshore sites.

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